Friday, 4 April 2008

How Useful Is 3 Way Calling For Your MLM?

3 way calling is a key skill that in some network marketing systems is completely overlooked. Here are the reasons why I use 3 way calling on a regular basis and classify it as one of the key Rainmaker activities that deliver growth in my organisation.

Where is that place in between travelling all round town to meet with your downline and their prospects and between leaving them all to themselves to fend off the ‘forces of evil’ and try to enrol people into their business entirely on their own. No matter what anyone tells you at some point you need to pick up the telephone to connect with your prospect and provide the human element. Even the master attraction marketer, Mike Dillard, encourages this. The only time you’ll enrol someone into a serious network marketing programme that is not one of those free deals or under $50 deals will be if a deadly serious prospect is looking for your opportunity and by whatever means they have reviewed the information online and have deduced that you can connect them up correctly for success. Other than that forget it…..

You will need to TALK to your prospect! You will need to learn about them and why they are looking for a home-based business. This is where the 3 way call comes into the picture as a major player. I have read some weird and uneducated opinions about what 3 way calling is supposed to be about but here is how it works for us with the Randy Gage Team:

1)Enables our team members to introduce their prospect to their business partner who has experience and has achieved success in the business even if they have themselves only joined 24 hours ago.

2)Shows the team member instead of tells them how to do the business in real life and how to talk to their prospects.

3)They can edify the upline leader which gives them credibility, and in turn the upline leader edifies the team member as someone who is serious about their business and an asset to the team.

4)Introduces the prospect to a system and training infrastructure that helps them feel confident about joining our TEAM if it is right for them.

5)Adds a much needed ‘human element’ to an increasingly automated business.

6)Eliminates the deathly fear that a new team member often has by provided professional coaching and support as they grow into a leadership role themselves.

What the 3 way call is not:

A pressure tactic to introduce people who are not looking to be introduced.
A way to take credibility from the team member and place it further up the chain.
The upline’s job to sign up the prospect. The call is handed back to the team member who then takes the next step in the process.

I don’t know about you but my major purpose is to build an ever expanding and increasing network of empowered business partners who are able to function without me. I want to work myself out of a job and the only way to do that is to provide real life leadership training.

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Wednesday, 2 April 2008

I Object To Dream Stealers and Negative MLM Campaigns!!

It has come to my attention lately that more and more wannabe online marketers are using a very negative spin on their adverts to attract prospects into their marketing funnel. Whilst I am in favour of innovative marketing and understand that shocking headlines attract more Google adword clicks than tame ones, I feel it must be pointed out that these dream stealing ex network marketers and copycat MLM gurus are casting a very unfavourable light on this wonderful industry and ultimately are shooting themselves in the foot.

Since I became a committed network marketer 5 years ago I have done everything possible to always build up and edify the industry so I find it extremely irritating that these guys are cashing in on every MLM company name out there, trying to position themselves as experts with all the answers whilst at the same time building their own list for their own supposedly magical business which is usually teaching people how to do MLM (even though they obviously didn’t make it themselves or they would be banking their passive income cheques and drinking out of a coconut as opposed to stealing reps from successful companies…) but in a much easier way because they never ‘have to pick up the phone.’ There are some strong words I could use to describe these dream stealers but I will resist using them in such pleasant blogging company!!

I just wish some of these earnest marketers would stick to what they know (I’m not sure what that is really though!) and just because they didn’t make it as MLM Rockstars in their company doesn’t mean others won’t. Instead of being positive ambassadors for the industry they sound like cheap losers who can only attract traffic to their site by attacking others.

Is it just me or does anyone else think that Google should regulate their advertisers’ copy more? Freedom of speech is one thing but the internet seems to have become a web of lies in some cases, and anything can be published without even passing it under the nose of the editor! How come these guys can get away with using trademark company names in their defamatory adverts? The adverts go something like this.. ‘Find Out The Truth About ‘Company X.’ It is laughable really because the same advert is running for most of the other company keywords which of course means that it is highly unlikely that the composer of the advert would know the truth if it jumped up and bit them on the nose!

I had a wonderful and enthusiastic new business partner join my team last month. It didn’t take too long before a do gooder friend sent her a report written by an evangelical ‘expert,’ about Pyramid Schemes which ridiculously included names of some of the billion $ companies which have been in business for years. Of course this expert is stuck in 1950s mode and conveniently hasn’t bothered to research the facts of the industry today. Still it amazes me that smart people spend their time writing such negative nonsense. In the report this expert derided the Direct Selling Association as if it was of no consequence at all!!

Why? Well I guess it helps that he earns royalties by playing to people’s fears with his negative work. I find it all very sad and hope that prospects evaluating the network marketing industry will be able to see through some of these thinly veiled attempts to simply syphon prospects into lists to market their business and services to, whilst stealing from under the prospect’s nose what could be their million dollar opportunity.

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